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Reverie Lifting V Mask (4小时瘦脸面膜)

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RM 158.00
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RM 158.00
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Reverie Lifting V Mask|塑颜紧致面膜 (10片/盒|可用10天)


主要功效: 打造V脸 精致下巴 提拉紧致面部轮廓 改善松弛 消除水肿 增加皮肤弹性 补充胶原蛋白 深层补水保湿 抗氧化 抗衰老

针对: 咬肌肥大、双下巴、婴儿肥、脸部浮肿、大饼脸、肉肉脸、国字脸、等等。 等等人群



②3-4盒V脸效果 进行巩固





1. 清洁肌肤,进行基础护肤

2. U型口朝上,凝胶面贴合皮肤,中间对准下巴后往上提拉去耳朵,根据脸型,可适当拉伸到舒适位置

3. 将两端挂在双耳上,使其贴紧于脸颊部位

4. 每天持续贴4个小时,面膜是凝胶质,不会感觉粘粘的,睡醒揭掉丢掉即可,建议1天1贴(2天1贴也ok) 不打针也能瘦 - YES ! 不磨骨也能瘦 - YES ! 不开刀也能瘦 - YES ! 不去美容院也能瘦 - YES !!

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Reverie Lifting V Mask

Price: RM158/box 

Packaging: 10pieces/box (10days supply)

Can see the effect after the use of 3-4 boxes

Target population:

Double chin, baby fat, wate retention, round shaped face, chubby face etc

Mechanism of Action:

① Absorb the essence through the skin membrane

② Increase the renewal and growth of cells, improve blood circulation, tightening the skin, moisturizing the skin ③ Maintain the youth of the skin

➃ V shaped is build up with the special design of the mask

The significant effect:

① After the use of 3-5 masks

② Can enhance the effect after 3-4 boxes

③ No side effects

How to use:

💬 After cleansing, apply your daily skincare, for better result you use for this mask

💬 The U-shaped mouth facing upwards, hang the end to both ears and pulling up the chin, it can typically stretch to a comfortable position

💬Time: 4hours or above

💬Use it before sleep

💬Take it off when you wake up the next morning